They really don't make it hard for us to despise them, do they?
My correspondent in the Yoo Ess has sent me the following, believed to be of a discontented ex-Lehman banker, relieving himself down the country chimney of Dick Fuld, the arrogant arsehole who turned down many bids for the troubled bank, and ran it into bankruptcy.

Un-bloody-believable! What IS going on in this crazy, f*****-up world???
And how come the one-eyed Scottish idiot is still on the loose????
I couldn't believe this either Idle.
(In our own struggle with plod two others arrested with my girl have been tried. One acquitted and the other (no previous) got 100 hours community service! The good news is that her barrister is a total babe)
Plod doing the wrong thing Iders?
Wonder how many boxes thay had to tick there now...
As for the two kids, this is something which will do them the power of good, and they'll have already 'done something', which s more than can be said for many of them without interesting parents like this.
I would have thought, lil, that when the cool and elegant calfy is led into the dock and described as governess to the infant children of the Earl of Harrogate, charges will be quickly dismissed by the presiding hanging judge and she will be given her return train fare out of public funds.
Agreed, scrobs. Now I know why Commander Idle accused me of being an utter weed for not getting to the top of the tall beech tree in the upper park.
Foxy, I take it your question is rhetorical. If not, the answer is because he has not yet been shot.
Without detail the case seems shocking - man forces children up chimney. But with further consideration and reason - the children were in a safety harness, the chimney was adjacent to a flat roof, they are used to rock climbing and not frightened to be there - then the reaction of the establishement seems wholly absurd. Do they consider things? Do they reason? Or do they just have a set of tick-boxes and consequences? Dumb as a brick, you can't make it up.
Glad to hear you girl has a good brief, Lils. Hang in there. I agree with Idle - when she walks in there the case for the crown will fold. I hope!
Idle I'm so glad you use expletives. Unless, of course, you think they are for men only :-/
Pip, I like expletives, but I do think that they should be used sparingly and in the right places.
Women and expletives? Debatable, certainly. Worthy of its own post. Note that the well-brought-up Apricotfox has resorted to the * sign, to preserve her blameless reputation.
I'd be proud of my sons being willing ready and able to get up on the roof.
A younger(12 years old) Beast decided to go sledging on a frozen lake for a dare, the inevitable happened, obviously I got out.
Walked home as ice formed on my jeans, Bollocked by my mother, however, my Grandfather gave me a secret tenner and one for the friend that helped me out. He thought it hilarious, he had done similar idiotic things himself.
And now we come to this.
What a disgrace.
I don't know what the problem is. I retain the highest respect for the police, who have always treated me with respect, justice, sagacity etc etc.
That Chief Inspector Barlow out of Softly Softly was a good egg, to name but one.
It's probably your willingness to touch your toes and bite your lip that keeps you sweet with the rozzers, alceste.
If there are any prizes going for plod, they have all been won by DCI Gene Hunt. He's the daddy.
Bet it wasn't only ice that formed on your jeans, beast.
O/T, I think we should gather for more wine in April.
Ah well consider me a bit of rough then - there aren't enough expletives to describe how I feel about the shambles that is child protection (where decent families like the one here are arrested and Baby P is left to die horribly) and in fact yesterday I could have given you a choice few after the haughty bitch that is the school secretary rudely dismissed me like a subordinate. I am not a subordinate, won't be dismissed, and reminded her of the fact in a crowd of people.
You're right, Idle, Gene Hunt does trump Stratford Johns. Mind you, I'm glad that none of his sort were around for any of the 5 hours or so I spent in police cells. That's an awful lot of duffing-up time.
My approving tones about the police were of course ironic - as you will remember from my frequent tuneful renditions in a past life of "Here's a song that won't take long: All Coppers are Bastards."
Alceste - I realise this is an impertinent question but why were you in police cells for 5 hours? I will, of course, mind my own business if you do not wish to elaborate on such a personal matter.
It was 2 separate occasions. 2 hours for drunk and disorderly. Not my fault, really. My friend decided to pee against a Soho wall. I heard a shout. I didn't look to see who had shouted, assuming it to be a normal citizen. I yelled "look out mate, they're onto us!" and we legged it giggling down the street. Too late did we realise we were being pursued by a couple of bored coppers with nothing better to do. We were released uncharged.
Even in my anonymous state, I cant't quite bring myself to describe the second occasion. It was not much more than a technicality, though I can't escape my (unwitting) responsibility. I ended up in front of a rather sympathetic beak. I emerged from the experience with an abiding hatred of the police.
Alceste - thank you. I must say it's the best laugh I've had today, and they pulled you in for that? Well I'm glad you weren't charged.
I've just stumbled over this and... words fail me. I just hope someone is going to do a study on a very small sample of mothers (as these studies always are) and find out whether women who wear jeans are more likely to neglect/abuse children (terms of reference?) than mothers who habitually wear skirts. Perhaps leggings should be included as we could then have an excuse to ban them. Especially on fat women but that's just my personal prejudice and has no influence whatsoever on what may be concluded by a study, hmmm?
Dear Mr Idle
Will that Essex bred charlatan be turning up?
I find him so "Mauve" that it's hard to work out his intentions.
And sorry but
Fuck the Wine Library!
Red meat and red wine next time?
If you ask nicely they wipe the Cows backside before killing the Hoon and chucking it upon a heap of hot charcoal .
I couldn't possibly comment on the travel plans of the Tuscan, beast. But you could draw a conclusion on my suggestion. Beef and claret it is.
Mushroon management personified. Perfect!
I had a rather yummy carpaccio at Bertorelli's last year but it may have too many table cloths for our crowd...
lilith said...
I had a rather yummy carpaccio at Bertorelli's last year but it may have too many table cloths for our crowd...
I had carpaccio in Sartoria So There
What's a car park io?
I had a flat white in Victoria not long ago. Does that count?
A table cloth?
I use newspaper to keep the ketchup from the table.
Enviromentaly friendly and it also gives you something to read when bored by your companions.
TT claims to now have a flat stomach.
Do you think that likely?
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