The old adage is proved again: give 'em enough time and they'll come round.

True, Lindsay Duncan, who I rate as a terrific actress, said that she 'hated' Thatcher before she made the film, but - blow me! - found that there was a bit more to her than the typical knee-jerk luvvie attitudes which were, I suppose, the only views on Thatcher poor Duncan had ever heard.
So, having planned to watch the prog next week through gritted teeth, green-ink pen in hand, I'm now looking forward to it.
Reagan first, Margaret second.... the left-wing view of history is gradually being revised. Give it twenty years, when Iraq is a lovely place to live and friendly to its neighbours, and they might even show Dubya as the kindly, thoughtful, far-sighted statesman that some of his friends assure me he is.
"The facts of life do invariably turn out to be Tory" - as a wise woman once remarked.
I wonder if she is unwell.. They may be softening us up.
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