Jonah has cast his gloomy countenance upon the team and they are all falling over, stubbing their toes, or failing to perform quite as well as hoped....
In the case of the poor taekwando girl, she was blatantly robbed by a stinking piece of hometown judging.
The stench of death that he leaves in his wake is obviously viral.
UPDATE: Unprecedented overturning of taekwando decision. I wonder - did the president of the IOC get on the blower to the president of the Taekwando Assoc, and say something along the lines of "if you want to survive as an Olympic sport, you have 15 minutes to reach the correct decision...."
Taekwondo is shite anyway.
I imagine the medals they give out for that are the chocolate ones.
No, I got it. But less good.
But this site ALWAYS appreciates your input, Eek.
Ha ha ha Idle - You obviously have influence far beyond the meandering slopes of West Sussex...
Don't forget Elecs is an expert though...
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