So I wanted to share some of my sacred old album covers with you. The Mermaid, if she is still with us, will love this. First up, an attractive young bunch from the mid-west, who I fear might be a bit racy for you:

You want it REAL, man? Try Dexter:

Idle runs a fully inclusive blog. How about this for overcoming adversity and bringing a smile to our faces?

And my personal favourite, those innocent boys of The Ministers Quartet. Never a double-entendre uttered by these god-fearing folk:

You are the possessor of one of the divers and most eclectic collections of music ever. One question - what was Ronnie Barker doing in the No. 1 spot of The Ministers Quartet lineup?
p.s. if you like "Country Church Singers" (oh, what fun we could have with anagrams of that one) may I recommend (if you don't have the fillum already) Christopher Guest's "A Mighty Wind". Masterful
most divers. Stone cold sober, too.
Wonderful covers. I collected a few too. Do you have "All my friends are Dead", an especially heart-rending album?
WW, I was planning to post All My Friends Are Dead for you in a day or two. I guess, given the gravestone, it could have formed part of this religious post.
Dammit, I'll post it anyway, together with one of the creepiest covers you ever saw.
I can assure you that the result of the Handless Organist thumping away with her stumps is a taste best left unacquired, killem.
Thank you for giving it a bash though, and sharing the results with us.
Tuscan, I know about A Mighty Wind but have nit seen it. Perhaos during the next couple of idle weeks.
Is that Peter Hain, second from the right on the Ministers Quartet album?
I didn't know that he had turned to religion.
Well spotted, lakes.
The correct answer to the Ministers Quartet lineup is Kenneth Kendall, Vic Reeves, Peter Hain and Eric Pickles.
I hope you will remember the "Braillettes" as well.
It is inconceivable that a gentleman of your tastes has not come across John Daker, the multi-un-talented cable TV phenomenon. (Just search "John Daker" on YouTube, if by some chance you have not seen it.
I am honoured dear Idle that you dedicated your album collection to me. I do think you need to update it though: Merm's seafaring wandering is a great album, although the single: "More fish in the sea" is a bit whimsical.
WW, I had not seen John Daker.
Damn, he's good.
I suppose the handless organist had several feet though, those Hammond orga builders know a few things...
Hilarious Iders - have laughed since early today...
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