Let us overlook the ultimate cliche of the asian, the black, the older white boy and the little white girl. Multi culti gibberish, par for the course. We can only presume the American Indian kiddie with the club foot missed his bus.
Styling the cute black nipper as Michael Jackson seems a bit obvious too, but there you go. I woulda loved a jacket like that aged 4, though.
Grey? For kiddies? They like bold colours!
Ski boots? They'll never catch on in the park.
You know what's coming, don't you?
Yup, the Disneyfication of the cuddly fox, (not a flea on it), smiling whilst being cuddled by the chap in the oilskin. The chap is oblivious to the fact that foxshit is being smeared on his clothes, the fox TOTALLY uninterested in the breakfast, lunch and dinner below him.
No bigots were harmed in the making of this post, more's the pity.
Tally ho!
It's amazing what sort of stuff you can get in charity shops these days!
Luckily, most of this will get sold a few times, that's if it doesn't fall apart at the first sign of an Indesit Turbocharged Multi-tasker...
If the little Chinese looking girl was anything like my extended Chinese family everything would be boiled up and on the table in no time...the little black chap too....not a PC bunch my in laws.
I do think it a bit tasteless showing a kiddy holding a dead fox. Unless he killed it of course.
The annoying thing about cheap clothes in ASDA is that they have big slogans on everything and mostly my children won't wear them :-/
A certain private bank got Stella McCartney to re-design its ATM / cheque guarantee card.
The design is so bad that nobody can read the numbers on it and customers keep asking the bank for a new design (without success.)
They must have paid her a shed load of money, but then, this bank is part of RBS....
It was very BBC-like of you to omit to mention that these four lovely children are the offspring of Mr Jones and Ms Tracy Grungebottom, Mr Smith and Ms Tracy Grungebottom, Mr Black and Ms Tracy Grungebottom, and Mr Wong and Ms Tracy Grungebottom. They all live happily on benefits in a run down sink estate on the edge of Rotherham. The illegally hunted fox is probably their dinner.
They're all in it again in thwe Standard tonight Iders!
Different pics, but same 'Big Issue' kit...
Reevers you are mistaken. The children all belong to Madonna, good friend of Stella McCartney; she's one of the few can afford this stuff for children to grow out of in 6 months and spend that time rolling in the dirt:
"trendy military Miller-style jacket ($128), boys' superhero T-shirt ($28) and high-top sneakers ($48) that come with optional colored markers for personalization."
Is the slide slippier when you wear designer gear?
Pips, no names - no pack drill but you've triggered this
Pip: I stand corrected!
Scrobs: Great vid. Paul S is one of my all time favourites from way back when whom I never tire of listening to or watching.
Oddly enough, I have just returned from a quick visit to the supermarket and was playing his "Graceland" disc in the car on the way. Now that is spooky! I also have the video of his concert (recorded live as the show was being broadcast) in South Africa with (among others) Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Brilliant stuff and they don't seem to make 'em like that any more.
What a crock eh, idle? The fox appears, unlike any that I have ever shot, to be wholly untouched by mange.
Stella Mccartney! What a load of hideous tosh. Her clothes generally look like sacks that crinkle as soon as you get them off the hanger. No style. No "design" skill. Generally muddy colours or navy blue. A proper English Designer I suppose. I wouldn't pick her clothes up from the floor of a charity shop.
Grey for kiddies ?
I'm not sure they give a shit what they're dressed in, actually. Couture (?) is generally the desire of the Mums funded by the exhasperated Dads.
I've responded to your comment on my blog btw
I'm planning to send my lad to the next fancy dress party as The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (google is your friend).
Just for a laugh, of course !
Will you shave his head too, Kev? :-)
Hey, Electro! Some Mums are entirely independent of funds doled out by husbands...and their exasperation..and the man himself, actually!
How much of you is apricot and how much of you is fox ?
Fruity and foxy !
I've always thought that 'foxy chick' is an oxymoron - seeing as how well foxes and chickens get on. All blood, feathers and scratch marks - then again, some truth there if my personal experience is anything to go by.
Hmmm...interesting q., E-K. I'd say about 5% apricot max...and then only if I'm wearing the colour!
I feel bad that I went on the Countryside Alliance march now.
You don't seem half bad ... for a fox.
If you visit my blog ( sorry, Idle...shdn't be advertising!), you'll see that I am a fox with a confusedly non-vulpine turn of mind!I was out on Saturday sporting my three badges: first and second marches and hunting on the day the ban came into force...
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