This woman would be lucky to be the chairperson of a lesbian outreach group, were it not for her Ugandan activities with Ed Balls, and her consequent inner-circle status with McBust. I hate the very sight of her, safe in the knowledge that she holds me and folk like me in contempt. She is incapable of a statement that is not phrased in biased terms, and I require better from a minister of the Crown. Her reaction to the (mirabile dictu!) Cameron decision to give up on his hopeless duplication of Labour spending plans was a classic of its type: “Unlike the Conservatives, we refuse to abandon people in tough times. The British economy needs a shot in the arm, not a slap in the face.”
The microcephalically challenged deserve our pity and approbation Idle, so shame on you. How would you like to have been born with a head the size of a cricket ball and the shirt of Jonah Lomu?
Poor woman deserves our sympathy. A face like a slapped arse. Or as Sir Les would have it.... "A face like a half sucked mango." "The last time I saw a face like that it had a hook in it"
I've just grassed Ed Balls up for lying to Parliament.
I'll sleep well tonight.
In the meantime, here are ZNL's babes
Why in the name of God would any man fuck that?
I will tell you why
Ed Balls is a fucking knob jockey who got where he is by polishing McMentals bellend with his spit.
I couldnt fuck that disgusting fucking hound even waking up at 6 am with an iron bar early morning glory , an ounce of cocaine and a Viagra chaser.
I seem to remember that there was a half page in Readers Digest called It Pays To Enrich Your Wordpower.
I suspect the Tuscan was perusing an old copy in his dentit's waiting room the other day.
OH, grassing Labour politicians for lying to Parliament is a full-time job. I hope your output won't suffer.
'This woman would be lucky to be the chairperson of a lesbian outreach group, were it not for her Ugandan activities with Ed Balls, and her consequent inner-circle status with McBust.'
brilliant.wish I was fluent in English like you.
Well, I am a breast man idle but I have yet to come across a "dentit", as it were. Meantime, you should not mock those you do not fully appreciate. "Microcephalic" happens to be one of my fave mots. So there.
Tony: Does your word mean "the operating system on my new computer is a load of old cock?" If so, you should submit it to Scrobs's wordlist currently up over there.
A face like a dog licking shit of a thistle.
"Flower pot men" was quite brilliant Mr Idle.
Of course, there's a grubby hand up the back of that outfit, holding the stick which has a paper mache head attached.
The tape recorder button for spouting crap and drivel can be seen by the first button.
The wide collar is to hide as many expenses as possible and the smirk is to attract her even more odious and repulsive 'husband', who is in charge of children and is making an absolute disaster of what should be a sincere job.
I think the Balls family should be consigned to history as the worst combination of unpleasant Nulab nobodies ever produced. They are the epitome of utter greed and both of them stink of pork troughing.
Turns everything she touches to shit. NHS contracts, HIPs, the Treasury....
That outfit is just so WRONG. I wish I had told her to buy it.
i really can't say much...bush is president here, for the moment...i think that is enough said :)
Caption apropos the photo:
That's what happens when you give too much head to Balls.
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