.... on the day of the stockmarket meltdown?

Given the choice, idle chose an estate above Skipton in the high Pennines. Sunshine nearly all day and a helping breeze for the partridge, 256 of which didn't make it to sunset, but they did not die in vain, contributing as they did to the economy of West Yorkshire and now the deep freeze of the lady idle.
A memorable day's sport. View captured by the not-very-good nokia E61i.
Hasn't it been melting down every day Idle? Now if you are talking about today I was somewhere near here with a very similar view (pic from googling) (Bathford, Wiltshire)
But if you are talking yesterday I was here with the dog...
(Great Elm, Somerset)
Well done on the bag. Are you a rapid plucker?
Followed by dinner at the Devonshire Arms in Bolton Abbey, no doubt?
The helipad in the back gardens is so handy, wouldn't you agree?
Idle - 256 boids in a deep freeze - you're not Fred West, by any chance?
I was looking out of my office window across Berkeley Square, waiting to see if any of the hedgies have started jumping yet. Which they haven't. Yet.
Lil, you are mostly right. Yesterday was bigger by recent standards, though.
Bathford looks splendid. Nice pigtail of yours. Are you doing calisthenics in the garden?
Great Elm looks like many streams that I know. A bit too shallow for otters, though.
I pluck like you would expect any robust Highland infantryman to pluck.
Happily, I was a guest of the estate, lakes. Food cooked by a terrific woman from Welshpool, up for the night on a cooking job.
My host has a helicopter next to the Italianate garden, but being a property man as well as a humble moor owner, it is on the list of things that May Have To Go.
You know very well that I am not Fred West, Tuscan. After my sojourn in the Pennines, more Fred Dibnah.
Thank you for the Mayfair weather forecast, FoW. I'll be there tomorrow and will bring a hard hat.
Respect, Idle. (I expect you could strip a bird just by looking at her right.)
As I'm looking forward to meeting you in Somerset, lil, I have to say that I would never, could never, cough, etc, even contemplate stripping a girl by looking. I'm an ugly brute, for starters, putting up a few pounds overweight as well.
BTW, why haven't any of you buggers commented on the very funny post below this one? It's an old joke, I concede, but a good one. Or has my sense of humour gone awry?
Excellent Iders :-) I remember watching my ex plucking a pheasant once. If I had blinked I'd have missed it.
On the post below, very funny. Elby and I both chortled heartily. You just posted again so rapidly we missed it!
Sorry Iders - I also missed the previous post - it is indeed a classic and I've spent many a happy hour at traffic lights, wondering what the tot really said; after all, she musn't say 'that' word must she...
Sorry you missed the 257th though, it was a fat bastard wasn't it!
What a fortunate fellow you are to have enjoyed such a memorable day Idle - even if you are a plucking liar.
May you have many more.
I was driving the 'rush hour' train from Exeter to Barnstaple and thinking "They actually pay me to do this ???"
Not for long, I don't think. It missed Beeching's axe but will need to be pretty deft to survive what's coming.
I'm no more secure than anyone else here.
LOL at 45gov
I believe you though, Idle.
E-K, I know the country well. I remember in the distant past being put on the train at Okehampton to get to school in Oxford. The Taw valley, and it's sister, the Torridge, are wonderful.
I wouldn't be at all surprised, at this time of year, if you were hit by the odd gamebird dropping out of the sky on the Exeter - Barnstaple line.
Being a City plebian (Scouser at that)! I've never tasted partridge Idle. Do they really sit in pear trees?
I'm rather partial to guinea fowl and pheasant mind...
I was sitting wringing my hands in despair as I watched our Investment portfolio disappear into thin air...I dont know about shooting patridge but we've got plenty of wood pigeons and ducks around here...the way things are going...we'll be eating them soon!
Glad you enjoyed your shoot Idle.
Hugs from Scouseland.
Any recession that makes people appreciate pigeon breasts and wild duck is probably worthwhile, trubes. I can't get enough of them, even during boom times. Standard of the wine is slipping, though.
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