A mural in Los Angeles. Banksy's cousin, presumably. From The First Post
McCain looks like Barbara Cartland, Palin like that irritating scouse actress from Educating Rita, and the Dems don't look too scary. Just as well, as they are nailed on victors, barring assassination. If you want scary, any undoctored photograph of Mrs Obama would do.
The Tuscan loathes the "Eder-kar-tin ree-Ah" actress too. If I may paraphrase the Beard's security this morning in Cardenden: "There will be six or seven guys with guns who will keep looking for her. She may be shot and then it will be a good day for the Tuscan."
Obama should wear lipstick more often. It really is a look he can do.
Julie Walters is as Scouse as I am.
And I was born in Scotland...
Well, I'll have to admit she did a very good scouse accent, lakes. Still irritates the hell out of me.
Irritates the hell out of me too.
"I'm so normal and down to Earth, me"
When Steven Gerrard or Jamie Carragher give an interview can Liverpool FC please provide a translator? They are speaking completely unintelligibly.
And we thought things would improve with the retirement of Kenny Dalglish, NSG.
idle: In this age of the "downturn", there may be a job here for Madame Trubes who after all is from Scouseland and is supposedly learning foreign languages.
You may be right, nsg. I always imagined that Mme Trubes might in any case be a member of that famous North-East tap-dancing backing group of Les Dawson's, the Roly Polys.
Not rising to the bait Boys, other than to quote a favourie poet of mine...Robbie Burns....
'O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us
It was fra'e monie a blunder free us
An' foolish notion
What airs in dress an gait wad lea'e us
An ev'n devotion'
Translated into English:
'Oh that God would give us the smallest of gifts
To be able to see ourselves as others see us
It would save us from many mistakes and foolish thought
We would change the way we look and gesture
and tohow and what we apply our time and attention'
I suspect these wise words would apply to all others as well as Scousers!
Oops 'favourite' even!
Good for you, trubes. You are quite right not to rise to any gentle ribbing, and your choice of To a Louse is inspired.
I must try not to be beastly about Liverpool. I am spending next weekend slaying pheasants belonging to a son of the city in North Wales, and we will give him the usual hard time about Scouseland, as long as his family property company hasn't gone bust there.
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