Now this is what I call a proper capital city. There may be the odd phalanx of the yellow hordes to contend with, all teeth, specs, and Sonycams, but they tend to disappear at sundown and only reappear at a leisurely 6am (!)
The stag parties long since opted for the cheaper fleshpots of the Baltics. The weather forecast is approx 10c warmer and 90% drier than Southern England.
Na shledanou, as they say in Praha...
Idle - feel free to drop me an email; I'm a former resident of Praha and may be able to assist with some tips. Best wishes - Craig.
And the women, the women...
Black hair, blue eyes and not a doughnut munching landwhale in sight.
Keep an eye out for those exceptionally low cut jeans and the "Toblerone Pass"*
*(you can pass a bar of Toblerone through at the top of the thighs, with their legs tied together)
Have a lovely time Idle. I hope you can still come to the Frome Cheese Show next weekend....
Good man Idle!
Isn't there a Tory out there somewhere?
"With triangular chocolate from triangular trees,
And triangular honey from triangular bees,
And so Mr Confectioner please;
Give me half an ounce of Old Holborn and a packet of Greens..."
Fantastic! I want to take my mother mermaid to prague for a christmas treat - I have heard that the Christmas markets and snowy scenes are gorgeous in December. But maybe Craig will tell me it is too cold?
Well well I hope you and the Idle clan have a wonderful time - any travel tips will be gratefully appreciated sir Idle!
Mermaid - depends on your definition of too cold! Christmas is around -3 / -4 degrees but it gets properly cold (-10 and below) around January and February.
Also - in my humble opinion, it's at it's most beautiful in the cold for, amongst other reasons, the simple lack of stag and hen parties scared away by the chilly temperatures!
Craig - as my post preceded my departure by less than an hour, I couldn't take you up on your kind offer, but will do so next time.
OH - I don't know what you are talking about; I was with lady idle throughout; my eyes never wandered. etc etc
Lil - now there's a thought. If I do, I will buy you a pie and a mug of something. I'll let you know.
Scrobs - you are right. A reliable one too, I gather. But we were 6 of us jubilating and feasting, so no blogger contact was possible.
Merms - I would be delighted to share my knowledge which is quite sound after three trips in 11 months. The real wisdom lies with lady idle, however, who has planned and executed two highly efficient operations in the last 4 months.
One thing I can say without fear of contradiction is that you must eat at V Zatisi, which was so good I may write a whole post about it.
Bloody rain. South West water putting prices up again.
"We want our water to be so tasty that you won't want to drink anything else. That's why your bills are going to have to go up 20%."
Yeah right - we'll be drinking your water 'cause that's all we CAN afford to drink. Who do they think they're kidding ?
EK - yeah, I am starting to RECYCLE my water! By which I mean pissing it back into the ecosystem
Craig - thanks for the tips! Sounds perfect - no stags and lots of snow! ding dong. As Idle would say, in a Terry Thomas voice, while twirling his dashing tash.
Gorgeous photo. I love reading British writing. It's such a fun novelty for me.
Im stuck here looking at our mutual chum
A man who makes Tuscan Tony look like an anorexic who has decided to go on a crash diet
He needs a new suit for Tory conference, fancies chalk stripe
Anybody know if its possible to prurchase a chalk stripe Kaftan?
Beast, my brother has an old bell tent that he uses for Glasto that has gone a sort of yellowy ivory colour. Staines could wear it as a linen suit.
Tell him that the injuns and I have drawn stumps, but that I have irons in the fire. He can buy me some lunch post-conference season.
I bought myself a British Army Basha the other day. One size fits all - instant ban from all hotels though.
Good idea Idle
He will look like a sub continental Demis Roussous
I think you are both mean to Staines. He has worked very hard gain his present shape.
Hope the trip included you getting yourself around a substantial quantity of Budvar. I am, it shoudl be said, encouraged by your words re the stag do's - the main reason we haven't headed East to date.
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