'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889'

'Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.'
Sadam suffered a similar ending whilst delivering an address at a general meeting.
WE should have more civic functions like that nowadays I think.
Now that is some classy spin.
Excellent, excellent. And now, from the desk of Idle, a moving eulogy to Karen Mmatthews.
Idle where on Earth do you find this stuff? It's very good.
I won't claim to make it up, Wm Gruff. Nor do I trawl the internet. In this case, it appeared via an old mate who trained to become a banker with me in New York in 1985. He remains a broker specialising in those remaining American companies which have not yet filed for Chapter 11. And I remain, well, idle, until I sign a new contract, which my bank manager is encouraging me to do with all speed.
I'd love to be idle without the anxieties that my frequent bouts of idleness, and willingness to spend on food and drink, cause me. That notwithstanding, you are at least worthy of your bank manager's advice. I gave up demanding to see mine when very humble clerks told me, in other words, to fuck off.
Your blog invariably brings a smile to my face. Do please keep it up.
Your kind words are gratefully received, Wm. This blog does not, it must be said, overload the server with the number of visitors it gets, but I like to think that the footfall is one of quality.
I plan to be employed shortly, but have no intention of failing to pass on those anecdotes and drolleries which come my way.
'Your kind words are gratefully received, Wm. This blog does not, it must be said, overload the server with the number of visitors it gets, but I like to think that the footfall is one of quality.'
Quality? That's the nicest thing I've heard for a long while. Many thanks.
My blogs receive even fewer visits in total than yours does but I blog purely for my own amusement and would do so if no one read them, which I honestly believed was the case for the first six months. I'm sure you're the same. The best bloggers seem not to care about stats but to cast their words to the world as though they were messages in bottles. Should they wash up on some foreign shore and elicit a reply one is surprised and delighted but should, as is invariably the case, they come to rest in the unexplored deeps of the 'blogosphere', those bloggers see only that they are privileged to be able to row against the current of public opinion.
'I'll get me coat' as that fellow on The Fast Show used to say.
Have these people been taken lessons from Mandy?
PS: I agre wiv yu abaht qwality - the problem is yu atrack peeple wot can reden rite an ave erpinyons, dohncha?
ooopps: "been taken" ahh, umm.
It's an urban legend....
I did a quick look up on Judy Wallman and found that this same story has been told at least three different times. Not only has dear old Uncle Remus been a relative of Hillary Clinton, he has also been an uncle to Harry Reid, and Stephen Dion (a leader of Canada's liberal party). It seems that dear Uncle Remus signed up to be a part of the conservative movement's effort to gain back some legitimacy by making Democrats look shady.
Give him time; I am sure Remus will find a way of being related to Obama before too long
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