The junior Idle girl took this photograph in that most delightful of seaside towns, Portsmouth. Reminded me of the Tuscan's recent series "Names that won't Franchise Well". I'll be in Mittel Europ next week armed with my megapixel, on the lookout for promising shop names.
I was driving through Tunbridge Wells with Younger Daught once, and casually mentioned to her that there was a shop opposite called Snow Ear, and wasn't it a silly name!
It only took her a few seconds to tell me (gently), that the shop sold Sno Wear...
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves".
Too True
"That such an unnecessary and irrational project as building a European superstate was ever embarked upon will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era.”
"We are a nation with a government, not the other way round".
Reagan, inaugural speech, Jan 20 1981
(Interim) Last Word on the Subject
Stated briefly, I will simply try to clarify what the debate over climate change is really about. It most certainly is not about whether climate is changing: it always is. It is not about whether CO2 is increasing: it clearly is. It is not about whether the increase in CO2, by itself, will lead to some warming: it should. The debate is simply over the matter of how much warming the increase in CO2 can lead to, and the connection of such warming to the innumerable claimed catastrophes. The evidence is that the increase in CO2 will lead to very little warming, and that the connection of this minimal warming (or even significant warming) to the purported catastrophes is also minimal. The arguments on which the catastrophic claims are made are extremely weak – and commonly acknowledged as such. They are sometimes overtly dishonest.
Prof Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Atmospheric Brainbox of the World
Hello!!! I am interviewing Geoff Hoon at 1:30 today at Downing Street.
I will be asking him questions about his role as City Minister and Chief Whip, what Labour's plans for London are (business, Finance, Crossrail) etc.
If you have any questions (sensible ones) please post them on my blog and I will ask them for you!!
Rob Bish.
Not good, eh !
He may have meant Robert Bosch but because of inbreeding by the signpainter's ancestors it ended up a little confused.
There is a DIY shop just outside Macclesfield train station (you can see it from the train) called S&M Supplies.
I was driving through Tunbridge Wells with Younger Daught once, and casually mentioned to her that there was a shop opposite called Snow Ear, and wasn't it a silly name!
It only took her a few seconds to tell me (gently), that the shop sold Sno Wear...
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