I am surprised no more attention has been given to Martin Vander Weyer’s suggestion in The Spectator two weeks ago that a mansion tax should be levied on those buyers who pay no other UK tax. Why has it taken so long for anyone to raise this idea? Where tax paid against income should be set against tax paid on property?
Let’s consider this question in psychological terms. Assume that you are eager to buy a particular house but someone else decides he wants to live there too. He is twice as rich as you are and so comfortably outbids you. Whatever the other person’s moral worth, you know two things. He has become rich under roughly the same system as you. And he has, in the process, paid more tax than you.
Now consider another scenario. This time you are outbid by a mysterious Russian who somehow bribed an official in some remote oblast to sell him a smelting works for 200,000 packets of Kent cigarettes and a Cadillac Escalade. He has paid no tax in the UK ever, nor does he intend to do so. He likes owning a house in London because our legal system gives him a safe refuge for his money and from the attentions of his former business associates. Here a mental klaxon should go off. Is it fair that people paying 40 or 45 per cent UK tax must compete for housing against people who pay none? To anyone other than an economist, the answer to this question is probably no.
Martin’s solution makes obvious sense. You should be made exempt from any mansion tax in the UK provided you are currently paying — or have paid in the past — a level of UK tax commensurate with the value of your house.
To consider policies of this kind it would help if policymakers paid more attention to a few other areas of social study besides economics. Primatologists now study ‘inequity aversion’ in capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees. What these studies seem to show is that most social primates are not egalitarian — but nonetheless have a strong sense of fair play. We should study this idea of inequity more. And devote more thought to work by social scientists such as the late Elinor Ostrom and her observations about the necessary conditions for effective social co-operation.
Much of the deadlock in political debate could be broken if government had not awarded to economists an effective monopoly among social scientists in the formulation of policy, thereby causing all political debate to be framed by a narrow set of morally blind assumptions. The reason this happened on the right is at least understandable — right-wing politicos were probably so grateful to find some academics whose work defended free-market actions that they bought into the doctrine wholesale. What’s far more surprising is that this economic autism has infected politicians on the left: immigration, for instance, is often debated by right and left as though the only relevant consideration is its effect on GDP.
The brutal truth is that economics is more influential than it deserves to be, given its hopeless record of prediction. One writer recently suggested that we should mentally replace the word ‘economist’ in all news reports with ‘shaman’, ‘astrologer’ or ‘dowser’. Thankfully there’s now software which allows you to do this automatically. The Google Chrome extension ‘In My Words’ makes your browser replace hated words with any new phrase of your choice. The original idea was to supplant phrases such as LOL with something less irritating. But its uses are limitless. It certainly transforms estate agents’ websites: ‘vibrant’, ‘up-and-coming’ and ‘scope for improvement’ become ‘noisy’, ‘dangerous’ and ‘at risk of collapse’.
Ordinary taxpayers have been victims of these iniquities for decades now.
For example: having to compete for housing with welfare recipients - few of which have have contributed tax.
The latest items in the news focus on the NHS A&E crisis citing old age 'bed blockers' as the cause of it. (The people most likely to have fought for this country and to have paid taxes dutifully throughout their working lives.)
No mention at all from the BBC of migrants using the services, literally for free.
In a way the mansions issue (and Bulgarian benefit families being housed in Kensington)is a good thing. It is spreading discontent to all classes.
The Blairite/Camaroonian/Guardian classes seem to have real contempt for British people - at best the demonstrate what can be called a willful neglect of them.
I watched The Wipers Times last night and its only flaw as I could see it was its constant sniding at the Daily Mail and its 'inaccuracies.'
In fact - as one directly affected by mass migration - I came to the DM seeing it as the only journal explaining to me just what the hell was happening.
Daily Nail, more like.
More often than not it gets it on the head from what I can see. Except its support for Gordon Brown - which I despaired at at the time.
PS,Mr Sutherland omits to mention - in his otherwise excellent article - that there are also 'refugees' from the broken EU economies investing their money in UK housing.
Most likely they weren't paying tax at home either - hence their economies are broken and OUR taxpayers are paying to shore them up.
I think you raised this issue first, Idle. It's such a good point that it shouldn't be allowed to drop.
Kind of you to remember my old post about this, E-K. It has been a bugbear of mine for a while.
Previous Idle post now linked at bottom of this one.
I shall try to increase my level of home grown tax evasion to even the score.
Excellent letter in this morning's DT, Idle. Spot on. With the Unions talking up their side, a return to the 70s would be just what these lunatics have in store for us.
Late to this post. I agree entirely and especially with EK (- I feel this competition with those who earn much much less than me quite keenly. I shouldn't moan but how come I can only just get a mortgage for my place but others live in identical flats basically for free?). I don't like the (usual) proponents of housing taxation suggesting that my mum should pay again for her house but that the numpties in my building who have never paid UK tax somehow deserve theirs for eternity without every paying a bean.
Good positive plan.
In the meantime I am doing something similar to Thud.
Idle...any chance of a return?
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