Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Let Me Rephrase That....

Sorry, I got it completely wrong. McBust IS the man to take us through the next 12 months. I don't know how I assumed otherwise. He is terrific, a man for all seasons, a tower of strength and an intellect beyond compare. His courage and fortitude is an inspiration to us all and the rest of the political cast is just so much chopped liver compared to the Great One. Oy vey!

There were no cameras or recorders in the PLP meeting, so thank heavens for Ben Dover-Bradshaw (Lab, Lickspittle North), who told us that the cyclopian doomster had given "the speech of a lifetime".

Phew! And there was I, thinking that he was a lame duck, a Clyde tugboat holed beneath the waterline, a defaulted bond, a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest.

Onwards, comrades! We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Deep-fried mars bars all round!


  1. The last thing I read yesterday evening was a comment on Guido, calling them all 'spineless numpties'.

    The first thing I thought when I woke up (far too early) today was - yup - 'spineless numpties'!

    This is the calibre of a peculiar but doomed race of incompetent hominids, born in unusual circumstances and soon to die, never to have realised what a backbone was.

  2. Clinging to office for its own sake ...

    ... which is all that British politics is about nowadays.

  3. My unbridled compliments ,Sir. Charles E Hardwidget could not have put it better.

    [completely stuff] Up the workers..

  4. In political terms 'dead man walking'.

    I'm with Kev on this one.

  5. More than that, e-k; this is the equivalent of a twelve-month stationary cupboard looting before leaving office.

    What they will do now is to accelerate the scorched earth policy of indiscriminate spending, whilst stuffing the Lords with placemen for reasons of vanity (Alan Sugar) or greed for yet more income (la Kinnock). Doubtless an attempt will be made to pass a bill on funding of political parties by the taxpayer (though the BNP success might make them think twice).

  6. Well, there was no way that this bunch of duplicitous, craven, avaricious was ever going to do anything remotely resembling the honourable thing. Even now they just don't get it. It's not that Gordon has to go because he is a liability to the Labour party, but because he is a canker, a canker that has metastased thoughout government.

  7. err..left out a word...choose any of these: a)scum ;b)freebooters; c)vermin d)blackguards ; e)limbs of Satan...!!

  8. Question is - how much damage can he inflict in the remaining 12 months? The North Korean sounding "Council For Democratic Renewal" sounds like on of those committees which could end up appointing Brown as President for life before we know it - or screwing the electoral system so that NL always win - or making it illegal to vote other than NL.

    I'm stuck between wanting the bastard gone ASAP - to avoid the likes of the above - and wanting him to stay on to ensure that NL go down in flames at the election, and to see him hauled out of Number 10 in a straitjacket.

    He really is the most extraordinary wretch of a human being. What the fuck did we do to deserve him, and how will we every pay the Scots back for foisting this bastard on us?

  9. Elby - if he goes we might just get another NL victory. If he stays we will get NL with better suits: The Conservative party.

  10. I believe the Imperial Japanese faced a similar choice in 1944. There was no possibility of winning.
    No real possibility of carrying on. just the hope that the other side might give up!
    In order to avoid having to face the prospect of defeat it was thought best just to never entertain the idea at all.
    Didn't work out to well for them in the end.

  11. The logical conclusion to Bill's comment is that a small tactical nuclear device should be secreted in Gordon's laptop, primed to explode when he enters the correct code, unwittingly, into his search engine (rocking horse).

  12. Elby, I wonder (very occasionally) what sort of person lives in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. What would persuade someone to vote for Brown? They are a very small number but even so, how was ANYONE persuaded?

    I wondered if voting for a what Apricot Fox said is bred in the bone. Or are they all Presbyterians?
