Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Bill Sykes and Fagin

When I saw this picture of the Opposition front bench, obviously enjoying Dave's deep discomfort over Europe yesterday, I immediately thought of Bill Sykes and Fagin. Lest anyone lefty liberal is tempted to accuse me of anti-semitism, let me say that it was the thuggish countenance of Balls that brought the pair to mind. And Miliband would make a fine Fagin, given his attraction to other people's money and, well, he's no matinee idol, is he?

Do I need to patent this caricature of the two Eds? I see it catching on.


  1. The thought of those two in power trying to steal my family's money and further destroying my country leaves me spitting in rage.

  2. Sebastian Weetabix24 October 2012 at 02:48

    Anti-semitism seems to be becoming a respectable prejudice again these days, in the guise of being "anti Zionist". It's all because of the Joos and Iss-rah-il, innit.

    So I'll be surprised if anyone complains. But if they do they should bugger off. You know things are getting bad when you can no longer mock politicians.

  3. By God if ever a pair of faces need slapping...

  4. No matinee idol? I still say he escaped from the pages of The Beano some years back!

  5. The architects of disaster, both past and present.

    Agree with Elbers, I want to run both of them over.
