Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The End of the Brown Terror


  1. What's to celebrate ?

    It's not like the man died or anything.

  2. Good point Elecs, the shambles he left behind still has to be dealt with.

    But at least we can now.

  3. I've a horrible feeling though.

    Another election soon. After a weak Tory administration - poor economic conditions (not their fault)

    - UKIP/Abstainers wise this time round

    - Fainthearts hankering for the 'halcyon' days of Labour ...

    David Miliband for PM.

  4. Before the hard days ahead a little celebration is well deserved....in fact mine may take some time.

  5. We seem to have exhausted several tincture pipettes here Thud, and I can't get my head down yet...

    I have to be in town tomorrow, and perhaps a quick trip down Memory Lane is called for...

    Whitehall I mean...

  6. Elecs, just feel better.

    Just do it!

  7. You know that crack sniper ? Tagged four Taliban in 38 secs over 1 click away recently ?

    Bring him back. Point him in the right direction, put him on double-bubble and a week in leu... and a medal.

    Then I'll be happy.
