Monday, 1 February 2010

Blogger's Block Compo

My days are spent in the relentless pursuit of gammon. At least that what I thought it said we should be chasing. My clients are puzzled but at least the price of pork bellies is holding firm. We are long.
Blogger's block? Run a haiku compo.
The Website you seek
Cannot be located, but
Countless more exist.
Do your best, or worst. Extra points for Brownisms. Or anything to do with Terry John, oikball player. Or the Pope's displeasure at having to have his fair share of bull dykes and promiscuous gays on the Catholic payroll in da YooKay.
The Labour Ad Men
Prepare for the 6th of May
By polishing turds


  1. Wot's Idle for if not the unforgiving minute...

    An August moon
    foolish and bent
    Tears before bedtime

  2. Evening Idle

    Stuffing them at home
    Screwing them away from home
    JT loves to score

    See you on Wednesday for a Farqs Thai Green Chicken Curry special....I assume Lady Idle has the constitution of an ox.......

  3. To the precise minute - how bizarre

  4. A papal bull
    To a bull dyke
    Benedict equalises.

  5. Prepare for Downfall
    Set scene for manse return and
    Replace Nokia

  6. Those Pampers (with wings)
    Have miniscule potential
    For his little Balls

  7. The seventh of May
    Will ring to sharpening knives
    For bowing shoulders

  8. She has the constitution of a quail, farqs. But ignore such things. Early leader in the JT stakes.

    Nothing bizarre about the busy traffic following an idle post, WH.

    Love it, Bingo.

    Sounds velly oliental, that last one scrobs. I see a sharp Japanese sword.

  9. Not very related to the big news stories of the day, but here, reinterpreted into haiku form, are some of my mother's wise words given to me as I prepare to leave for a month in the Antipodes:

    Packing takes longer
    Than you might expect it to;
    Like making sarnies.

  10. Bugger just the last one Iders, I spent ages researching the 'Moras' and stuff to get these three!

    Just look at the bloody work I did - and the time I spent to get your sodding numbers up for the month, because you've got Blooger's Droop!


    That's the last competition I ever enter, unless there's at least a crate of Old Bastard Extra Special 7.8% at the end of it!

    In 'The Angel', Midhurst - No Tears...!


  11. Ex Gammon
    muchas Mammon;
    An Idle thought

    Idle, Sir, you are doing a Ma Dale with this strategy of asking your readers to do the hards yards.Next you will be flying any random thought across these pages followed by the instruction 'Discuss'. Desist.

    Idle is
    As Idle does;
    Some thought

  12. Fair enough, savo. My next post will be political and autobiographical. Let's just say I've had enough.

  13. Wayne tries to bridge
    Vanessa's divide
    with fudge
    Sent back: prefers Terry's.

  14. Idle leaves
    an absolute shower?

    turns his back on

    (forgive the liberty with metre I hope)

    In all these lies
    is Blair sucking pleasure?
    back in the limelight.

    Clare Short
    Gives Bliar a shafting,
    men appear impotent.

    When you wake
    feeling sexier than sunshine
    think of the economy.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Got her on a coach
    But not before she had left
    Her passport at home

    How do teenagers
    Get to maturity without
    Being throttled

  17. Blogger's block
    El Kevo
    Words lost for

  18. lofty ambition
    meets the mortgage
    both fail
