Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Happy Christmas

This not very good photo, if you can believe it, is a suburban house just north of Bridgetown.
The comfortable winner of the Barbados Christmas Bling competition, which I can tell you is a keenly contested annual event.
I won't claim to be a student of kitsch, but I particularly like the way they have done the palm tree in the garden. The satellite dish on the right of the house's top floor flashed like a UFO; you had to see it live to appreciate the wondrous vulgarity of it all. Click on the photo for a slightly better image.
Another great holiday on that happy and delightful island.


  1. I am glad you have had a lovely holiday. A good time to get away too.

    That kind of house bling will be illegal by next year, you mark my's making the world all hot, don't you know.

    Have a great Christmas!

  2. Christmas and palm trees always leaves me unsettled hence my retreat from California last week. I hope you and the family have a merry Christmas wherever you are.

  3. Thud, I agree. So we have returned to the South Downs, taking a temperature change of 32C to -2C and a suitably white countryside about us. My chain saw has been doing overtime.

    Lil, I am sure you are right. One could say that the house "was lit up like Al Gore's Tennessee mansion".

    Thanks, hattie, and the same to you.

  4. I really did think that you'd been on a river boat Iders!

    It looks just like one (at night), and no doubt, you'll have plenty of New Orleans stuff in your Christmas sock come Friday!

    Have a happy Christmas Dear Chap, and the kindest regards to the Iders Clan!

  5. That would be the annual "Fuck Global Warming" comp? :-)

    Merry Thingies, Idle, to you and yours.

  6. Happy Christmas to you and yours too. How could a holiday in Barbados at this time of year NOT be a success ! Glad you had a great time.

  7. Agree with Elby, btw - fuck global warming !

    Ho ho ho !

  8. Happy Christmas!

    Do you think everything happens for a reason?

    I do.

  9. OK, you one-up-blinged me. I suppose Napa wineries are too understated...I'll try better next Yuletide.
    Merry Christmas from the staid Napa valley.

  10. Glad you had a lovely holiday Idle,
    Snowy Greetings from your favourite City,

    Merry Christmas to you and all at 'Idles Idyll',


  11. BTW - did you bump into Simon Cowell on his jetski ? I hope you did ... real hard.

  12. Merry Christmas, Idle!

  13. Merry Christmas, Idle. Wishing you a warm, wonderful and sparkly Xmas!

  14. Glad you enjoyed yourself - I preferred the white Christmas we experienced in Hampshire. That 82F thing can get you down.

    Happy New Year to you, the delightful Mrs Idle, and the Idle nymphettes.
