Sunday, 29 November 2009

Non-Dom = Non Qualified

I don't care that he is rich as Croesus. I get the impression he has been a complete bastard to his wife, but that doesn't (necessarily) mean he can't be a decent MP. I don't even really care that he is an eco-nut, because parts of what he believes is self-evidently sensible, and the global warming gibberish he swallowed has been shown up to be fraudulent and compromised by scientists whose income is wholly dependent upon propogating the myth of AGW.

No, the reason I wouldn't vote for Zac is because it turns out he's non-dom. Is there any reason why the voters of Richmond should vote for someone who proposes tax policy for po' white folk, but which will barely affect their representative? He could probably find the £30k non-dom levy in the back pocket of the last pair of Villebrequin shorts he wore in the Med this summer, or in coin in the Goldsmith laundry's tumble-dryer.

I believe that it is every man's duty to keep the Treasury as far away from his loot as possible. But the non-dom route is also the non-qualified route.


  1. As are quite a few who seek to lecture our Government on how our taxes ought to be spent.

  2. I try to minimise my liabilities in any way I can...the non dom route is as you say a non starter as tourists shouldn't get a say in anything other than asking for room service.

  3. You are right, Idle.
    How is working life? There have been times,whilst mucking out in the last few horribly cold, wet and windy days, when the Fox has recalled the comforts of a warm office and a glass of Chateau de Sours in Corney's at lunchtime...

  4. Is that a pic of Zac Goldsmith? I wasn't sure if it was a man or a woman. Kindof androgenous looking.

    I read on Mrs Dales Diary, and don't spare my feelings, Idle, tell me what you think; that if you don't pay taxes you shouldn't get a vote.

    Now of course that lets me out as a supplement to that thought was that paying tax on income generated from taxes doesn't count. That also means that politicians wouldn't get the vote either but I don't suppose he meant that. I think it's a debate that has merit - more people ending up on benefits for whatever reason are going to vote for more benefits when perhaps an emphasis of denovo investment, manufacturing and farming might be better in the long run. The balance argument to that is whether tha is achievable in a global economy competing against china and india and their non-existent employment laws.

  5. What's the fuss?

    As of two minutes ago we are almost wholly governed by Non-Doms and the Westminster Farce is almost irrelevant.

    All Grooovey Dave can become is the almost powerless Mayor of that part of Europe known, for now, as the 'U'K.

  6. Actually Bill Gruff does have a very good point. Which moves me ask why all the MP's on the payroll then - do we really need them?

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