Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Balls-Out Attack

A spat has developed between Ed Balls and Fraser Nelson of the Spectator. Many might find it astonishingly boring and un-newsworthy, but not me. It started here and then really got going here.
It tells us the following:
1. Balls is in on the bare-faced lie idea with Brown. Darling is clearly not, and is most uncomfortable with this whole charade. But Ed is still indistinguishable from Brown.
2. Balls monitors the blogs, and calls up the authors. He has time for all this, whilst putting out the fires in his own ministry and attending inner-cabal meetings at Number 10. FOUR calls chasing the Editor of the Speccie! This man is a Cabinet Minister. Jeeesus.
3. For a clever man, Balls is prepared to go to astonishing lengths of intellectual dishonesty. His attempt to weasel his way out of the 'lie' charge by claiming he was discussing debt ratios, and then accusing the clear-speaking Nelson of being 'economically illiterate', is beneath contempt.


  1. Ball's is very dangerous. If anything he is more bullying, more fanatical, more prone to mis-spokes and much more dangerous than Brown.
    In the New Labour new-Nazi game I notice he is often equated with Reinhard Heydrich

    Let's hope it all turns out the same way for him.

  2. the assumption - no-one ever calls a politician out on a barefaced lie - is probably a good one. Also, even if someone does, it will most likely be another politician or a journo, & neither are particularly well regarded

    so who can ? it's difficult for Dave. Step forward Dunnell and Scholar, and Mervyn King

    we need these people !

  3. "For a clever man"

    Not clever enough to realise that not everyone else is stupid.

  4. Personally, I'm very pleased that a politician has been outed as a liar.

    Balls and Brown have both been owned - long may it last until they stop treating us a vote fodder.

  5. I take your point, blue. I meant that he has a lot of brain, scholar at Harvard and all that.

    But brain does not always make for good political antennae, as Enoch and myriad others have discovered over the years. I do not mean to infer, of course, that Enoch was an unpleasant creep like Balls.

  6. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he is academically adequate. It's just that it takes a certain type of arrogance and self-unawareness to not realise that not everyone can be fooled by his garbage.

  7. Call me Infidel30 June 2009 at 17:54

    Was he at Harvard in the same way that Derek Draper was at Berkeley? Having listened to the chump on several occasions now it is obvious to me that he is a thoroughly unpleasant cove. Fortunately I feel his days are numbered, and it will be most amusing to watch these scoundrels in their final days in office.

  8. It is the ultimate arrogance to think that you can lie and lie and be believed. Balls was astonishing on R4 this morning...in the bullying duplicity department that is!

  9. CmI - One of my best mates has a younger brother who is dangerously clever, eats a lot of fish and all that. He was a joint Kennedy scholar at Harvard with Balls.

    Balls is a brainbox, but wrongheaded about many things, socially inept, and a vulgarian of the worst type (football, lager, and I take it you have seen his wife).

  10. "infer" or "imply"

  11. Apart from the fact that he has an 'o' level in junior arithmetic, ( and so have I), he is just such a repellent, odious little prat, whom you really want to either smash to pulp with a cricket bat, or go out and buy an old Aston Martin, and run him over with it.

  12. Get over yourselves. I think Balls is a great guy, and I really fancy his wife.

  13. Scrobs - what a dreadful thing to do with an old Aston Martin. Buy a morris marina and run him over, yes.

  14. Nice green pic. Is he waiting for Mandypops?

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