Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Stubbed Out


  1. I guess we are all just one or two unpleasant commenters away from shutting down our blogs..nasty business.

  2. Ashes to ashes
    Dust to dust.
    If the baccy don't get you
    something else must.


  3. I think there was a serious risk of revealing the 80s band that he played keyboards in.

    Now that's a chance that no man should be expected to take.

  4. I worked out the band, e-k, and can assure you that only the band members' nearest and dearest had ever heard of them.

    But they were popular in Germany, by all accounts, and I suppose that is embarrassing enough.

  5. I bet John Peel knew them Iders...

    I'm sorry to see him leave the stage; at least he made everyone feel that someone else with a lot more nerve than most, was trying to whip up a bit more anguish at Nulab's corrupt crowd of wasters.

  6. I just knew those friggin Germans had something to do with this whole load of bollocks.

  7. Thud, I think you've got it! It was Adolf wot dun it. Without Krystallnacht, all those industrious four-by-twos would be selling watches and tailored garments to one another in the burgs of Germany, instead of pressing the sole of the sandal to the throat of the camel-jockeys.

    Why can't Milipede, our highly visible Foreign Secretary, say as much?

  8. Not so sure about Peel, scrobs. OH's group of ladyboys was hardly the Undertones, after all.

  9. I was shocked, shattered, disappointed and left with a sense of lasting bitterness when I discovered the ID of the band to which OH was briefly attached. Why couldn't it have ABC, fercrissakes?

  10. I've been asking myself the same question for the last 25 years Tony

  11. OH, I greatly regret your blog demise. Be sure to include me if you make a private comeback.

  12. Back already by the looks of it. My advice ignored AGAIN.
