Friday, 16 January 2009

It Always Pays to Travel First Class

We don't want those expensive loafers getting wet.


  1. Ha ha Iders!

    I was amazed at how difficult it was to land a plane safely on water - it must have been watching all those films of 'crates' being ditched when I was a kid!

    Apparently, it's nigh on impossible to do what the pilot did, so he does deserve praise!

    I heard one line that a lady had to throw he nine month old baby across the water to a safe pair of hands. I expect The Sun will have an interview with Bill Beaumont, assessing her talent as a scrum half...

  2. Well yes, Scrobs, I heard that too. Unfortunately the receiver then forgot himself and kicked for the corner.

  3. hell scrobs knowing the US she will probably be done for child endangerment...

  4. Excellent! When others were paying the bill I always insisted on turning left when boarding: I only once travelled right at the back, on my way to Stockholm, the business class partition having been set by SAS 4 seats form the back it was so over-subscribed: the very noticeable flexing of the plane fuselage during our flight meant I refused, from then on, to countenance anything further back than row 6.

  5. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, Captain Darling here. As predicted, the US Airconomy has had a soft landing and henceforth all will be plane sailing. However, we still require urgent bail-outs to keep us afloat. Have a nice day".

  6. That was a great save.

    I expect for the pilot it's one of those incidents where he's kind of glad it happened. No one killed, one wrecked aeroplane - one instant celebrity who'll never have to pay for a drink again.
