Monday, 29 December 2008

Spot the Successful Peace Envoy

The peace envoy, putting in the hard yards.

The result of all that clever work.
Damn, he's good! A wonderful diplomat and such a transparently honest man. A grateful nation should buy him another house.


  1. Notice all the quotes today from our Peace Envoy? No, neither did I. He obviously isn't spending enough time in Gaza.

  2. Too bad about the gatecrasher over at your site, lil. Good job only you and Trubes got to know about my dirty secret.

  3. The gatecrasher was very disappointed in me Idle. Your advice was very sound. As to your dirty secret, it is safe with us girls. I am not sure I have any friends in the north...unless you count Staffordshire...

    My blood pressure has restored itself, more or less. I turn into a furious harpy when My Girl gets shit, from ANY source. As you know, she is pink and precious.

  4. My sentiments too Idres.

    Of course, he'll be 'working' to do something, meeting a few diplomats, making those important calls, being self satisfied while actually achieving little.

    Rather like he did before he passed the buck to another noisy but ineffective waster.

  5. Lils, I saw your post only briefly yesterday; and Iders' comment which I thought very helpful. The real people here are Calfy, You and Ex - in that order.

    (Excuse me Iders for using your site, Lils is 'missing, presumed aggravated by others').

  6. Why would anyone want a proven lying two-faced conman negotiating on their behalf? When His Tonyness was appointed George Dubya said words to the effect "Thanks but no thanks, only Americans will negotiate on behalf of America" [although he may have been slightly less literate with his words] which rather puts the kibosh on anything Blair may think he is doing. Besides which, didn't Blair get the job because of the work he had done in N Ireland (most of which was actually done by John Major anyway)?

  7. Noted, nomad.

    The "hand of history" has yet to make its appearance on the sainted Blair's shoulder in the Middle East.

    Perhaps it will turn out to be a fist that he will feel on his chin instead.

    All this banging on about Christianity - - is hardly likely to help, though I gather it does wonders for his paychecks on the rubber chicken speaking circuit in America.

  8. He appears to be selecting material for his next tracksuit

  9. The idea that Blair slouches around Sir John Fielgood's old micro-stately home in a shellsuit is quite amusing. The old queen must be spinning in his grave.
