Friday, 7 November 2008

Next Time, Hank.......

... I'll take the photos and YOU can let the fucking bear out.


  1. Illustrated in full gory colour, what bear markets do to one's pension and savings.

  2. Too true, rvi. I have lost an arm and a leg.

  3. That had to smart.

  4. The bear was obviously upset at being stored in a giant bean tin prior to release...

  5. Perhaps the bear had eaten his way through the beans, lil. Imagine the smell.

    Perhaps Hank got away with minor scratches because the bear needed a shit.

    Luckily, they were in the woods.

  6. Very kind of the bear to take that last picture for them....

  7. Did the bear get away?

    Idle, to lose an arm and a leg, one must have them to start with. I lost the top knuckle of my little finger from my pension, or rather what's left of it since that cunt Brown hove into view.

    Where, oh where, are the IRA when you *really* need them?

    These days, what folks in the private sector really appreciate is their pension funds being raped annually, and their taxes going towards the pensions of public sector serviles.

    Who - incidentally - now receive a pension X17 as large as public sector workers on the same salary.

    As for the client state, look no further than Glenrothes, where 30% of the constituency are "exonomically inactive" and 30% are public sector workers.

    So Labour losing Glenrothes was, in reality, as likely as Turkeys voting for Christmas.

  8. Was that a BROWN ?

    Certainly was if it leaves us mauled and in the wilderness.

    Next stop on our excursion into the unknown: Shit Creek
