Tuesday, 21 October 2008

2008 Blogger Clerihew Open Championship

Edmund Clerihew Bentley (July 10, 1875 – March 30, 1956) Popular English novelist and humorist of the early twentieth century, and the inventor of the clerihew, an irregular form of humorous verse on biographical topics.

I'll start you off:

Osborne (George)
Attempted to forge
Relationships with billionaire Russians
But there were repercussions

Tuscan Tony
Is quite bony
But it's very hard to tell
Since he drank all that Moscatel

The Beast
To make any sense
When they converted from lsd to pence

Would still
Lighten the gloom
On a fogbound day in Frome

Guido Fawkes
A good game
But he's really quite tame

Nick Drew
To the Gold Medal with a poem to remember
In Idle's competition a year ago last September


  1. Very few people sidle
    Into the Comments section at Idle
    So I will, in case no other
    Could bother

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When Electro Kevin
    Leaves Devon
    He never goes by plane
    But always by train

  4. Idle
    Is a whizz with a verse
    but when the Balvenie's in him
    He is substantially worse

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Tuscan's attempt
    Is bent
    Any fule kno that a clerihew must see
    A rhyming scheme of AA BB

  7. If you are looking for knobs
    Has a selection from gold plate to bakelite
    On his building site

  8. Billie Piper
    Close to Idle but riper
    As rich as Croesus
    Lowers Easebourne tone to its kneesus.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Kerry Packer
    Polo hacker
    Gave Stedham fireworks some serious handle
    Now they're down to a Roman candle.

  11. The vally of the Rother
    Is like no other
    But I bet you a fiver to a banana
    It would benefit from a Tuscana

  12. Scroblene,
    Only seen -
    by Lady Lils,
    She's so serene,
    A plot for a scene...

  13. Iders, a trusty man...
    good for confiders,
    Less legs than spiders, but
    Leaps the wider spaces,
    and laughs...

  14. Elecs; the Man in the lead...
    Free to impede
    us drivers who bleed
    the pumps of the weed,
    deep under the screed,
    Long fermented and freed,
    with the toxicity of greed' which
    shrieks at our need
    to travel at speed...

  15. First effort works if you run lines 3 and 4 together, scrobs.

    The second effort has some interesting ideas but is an abortion.


    That's the rhyme scheme. Four lines, each as long as you want. No scansion is required, only a rhyme, the more forced or imaginative the better.

  16. What are you on tonight, scrobs? Absinthe and crack?

    EC Bentley would turn in his grave.

    Four lines, man! C'est tout.

  17. Tuscs...
    Can tell from afar,
    how tales from a bar can
    enlargen a car to
    a Carrera -
    or maybe an inferior...

  18. Actually Iders, there was a huge gap between the words in yours...

    Wider (huge gap) spaces.

    It's our wedding anniversary - so crack's off, but something golden's on the elbow...

  19. Drinking whisky at the PC
    Isn't easy
    When the Scroblena would instead
    Prefer you in bed

  20. Happy wedding anni, scrobs! Ours too this month(10 yers before the mast) so we're off to Venice next wek to relve happy childfree days (actually 1 day 1 night, but...). Childcare is on the premises here and c/o a friend of Max Mosely. Honest to god.

    Sorry Rother-dweller
    For being an offtopic-fellah
    Will resume the Clerihewic diction
    When I've finished Pulp Fiction.

    [Tuscana at choir practice, and mouse is ergo at the drinks cabinet, big time.]

  21. To those of finer sensitivities, Ed Balls
    Regularly appalls.
    He’s Gordon’s factotum
    With (appropriately) a face like a scrotum

  22. The elegant Iain Dale
    Gets astonishing quantities of mail
    But he’d give it all up tomorrow to be
    A Tory MP

  23. Hurray! Nick Drew is here, and he is not a man one needs to coach when it comes to clerihews. I like his two openers.

    My 20:57 may have had four lines with gaps, scrobs, but was not an attempt at a clerihew.

  24. Lord Mandelson of Hartlepool
    You're mostly bright, but partly fool
    You were a bit of a dobbin, son
    To borrow from Geoffrey Robinson

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. What happened on the yacht
    Has not
    Been corroborated by Mrs Deripaska
    Will someone ask her?

  27. Chris Bryant
    Is quite pliant
    With some of those
    Who saw his self portrait (without clothes)

  28. The morning after...
    Hmmm... I've never written dafter...
    So thank you Iders
    For listening yesterday evening, but now I have to be up pretty early to go to Norwich, and as I'm not sure how far it is, I've been up in the roof to open all the cabin trunks, leather bags from the sub-continent, suitcases with brown labels with exotic names like 'Lagos' and 'Kaduna' and old wicker baskets to see if I can find my Dad's old navigation DIVIDERS...

  29. This, from the bastard lovechild of Edmund Clerihew and Dundee's very own William McGonagall:

    This 30th comment
    certainly puts a major dent
    in Idle's early admission frank
    that his post would draw a blank

  30. Excellent post from Idle the Bard
    Finding a rhyme doesn't have to be hard,
    George's choice of friends is poor
    He won't be staying with Nat any more..

  31. I'm sick and tired of trying to
    Rhyme a word with Clerihew.
    So, abandon hope who enter here
    and come and join me for a beer.

    I don't know if that's a Clerihew
    But it was the best that I could do.
    I might return again some day,
    but now I really must away.

  32. It does look as though the comp has run out of steam, doesn't it?

    Give it 48 hours, and there will be a winner. Prize: excellent hermitage, to be consumed chez idle on November 10th.

  33. "Appointing the Balls
    were testy calls!"
    Gordon seddit
    But did you geddit?

  34. Late entries count double when a compo dries up as quickly as this one has. And with puns as splendid as yours, Late Entrant, a podium place is not entirely ruled out.


  35. Late entrant could be yer man, Idle.

    As a tithe, or possibly burnt offering, for being allowed to enter I will be presenting mine host with a bottle of Piat's finest on the 10th.

  36. So when is the result to be announced - or did I miss it?

    If my humble effort was indeed successful, please donate the cash equivalent of the prize to your favourite charity (which in my book strictly begins and ends at home!)

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