Just how stupid, sad and sick do you have to be to go to a demonstration with a poster like the one being held by the imbecilic man above?
Readers of this blog know only too well that I have an extremely low overall opinion of Cameron, but I do concede that he has his good points. One of them is that he empathises with the disabled in a way that no previous Tory leader (or any Prime Minister, probably ever) has done. His behaviour, and that of his family, over the life and death of his disabled son was exemplary. He cares, and is thoughtful. Though wrong-headed, his ring-fencing of the NHS budget in real terms for the term of this Parliament is a profound statement.
And if anyone thinks that Cameron is motivated by his OWN tax rate, they would be mistaken. The Tories are traditionally a lower-tax party than the alternatives, but that is the product of a Jeffersonian belief that good government is synonymous with an economy that is dominated by the private sector rather than the state. Cameron has, I believe, caved in to the illogical and spiteful left by reducing the top rate of tax by only 5p in the pound, when of course he should have dismantled the Brown time-bomb on Day 1, telling the country in no uncertain terms that it was bad for job creation, bad for tax revenues, and bad for free enterprise (and while he was about it, raising the tax threshold to £10,000 and taking millions of people out of tax altogether). The porridge-brained idiot with his placard could reflect on this, were he capable of lucid thought.