It's damn hard trying to write original posts when under the influence of clement spring sunshine and quaffable Provencale rosé on a week's 'working' jolly to Cannes.
So, having given hearty 'hear, hear' to Bill Quango, I feel I must do the same for Ed West of the Torygraph. Ed may look as though he is growing the most scrofulous beard since Geoffrey Rush in Pirates of the Caribbean (ginger, to boot), but he is of sound mind. He articulates my views very well. He is bang on about Francis Maude, my old MP in Sussex, who is an utterly appalling individual, not really Conservative, and worst of all a crashing bore. Here's a taste of Ed's piece:
I know I’m not going to win the 2012 Award for Political Insight by comparing Cameron to Edward Heath, but there are similarities, and they grow more pronounced the longer his premiership lasts.
When Maude uses phrases such as “turn the clock back”, he is in effect signalling to social liberals that the Conservatives Party shares their worldview, even though the bulk of the British population does not.
As it happens, I don't want the Tories to lose the next election. These times are crucial to the wellbeing of the nation in the long run and four or five years is too long to allow experimentation in idiocy by the likes of Mr and Mrs Balls, Harriet Harman and the rest of the clowns' convention that makes up the Labour front bench. But this coalition is not a great deal better, is it? Christ, I hope there's a proper Conservative readying himself for regicide. Cameron is a busted flush.